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穿越時光的淡水莊園級沙龍,結合自然與純淨的療癒空間|懶人樹下 Lazy Tree Salon

作家相片: James LinJames Lin


Stepping into No. 28-3 in Gongpu Village, Tamsui, feels like entering a space where time intertwines. This hidden gem in Tamsui offers a respite from urban clamor, with its finca-level design ingeniously incorporating the historical features of Tamsui’s Fort San Domingo and Taiwan’s early colonial architecture. The interplay of red bricks and western-style buildings exudes an antique elegance, seemingly narrating a tale of bygone eras.

在這座莊園的中心,有一棵欖仁樹,這棵樹自1986年起便深深扎根於這片土地,它不僅見證了歲月的變遷,也陪伴著主理人Aken一起成長,如今更成了莊園內的重要象徵,也是「懶人樹下 Lazy Tree Salon」名字的靈感來源,記錄著每一位來訪者的故事。

At the heart of this finca stands an almond tree, deeply rooted since 1986, witnessing the passage of time and growing alongside the finca's proprietor, Aken. It now serves as a crucial symbol within the finca and the inspiration behind the name "Lazy Tree Salon," chronicling the stories of every visitor.

一場身心靈的療癒之旅| A Journey of Holistic Healing

「懶人樹下 Lazy Tree Salon」為所有到訪者提供了一個遠離塵囂的避風港。這裡的每一個角落都經過精心設計,旨在提供最純淨、最自然的療癒體驗。

Lazy Tree Salon offers all visitors a sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle. Every corner has been meticulously designed to provide the purest, most natural healing experience.


As you step inside, the subtle aroma of Organic Rooibos Tea from South Africa envelops you, soothing your senses and melting away any tension or fatigue. Its mellow and rich flavor instantly dissolves one's defenses and fatigue. Visitors then delve deeper into the finca to begin their personalized relaxation treatment.


Our exclusive services are tailored to your individual needs with a maximum of two guests per session to ensure each client can enjoy the most exclusive care and attention in this tranquil haven.


Every treatment utilizes biodynamic organic products from Italy. Rooted in nature and brimming with vital life force, these products promote a sense of profound health and balance from within, aiming to help customers achieve a balanced and healthy state of being, both inside and out.

懶人樹下 Lazy Tree Salon 的品牌理念深植於純淨、有機、健康的生活方式。為了堅守這一初衷,沙龍特意屏除了一般美髮沙龍常見的染燙服務。這並非對流行的妥協,而是對顧客健康的堅持與尊重。懶人樹下 Lazy Tree Salon 相信,自然的美是最真實的,應該透過無化學干預的方式來維護, 更專注於提供頭皮養護的專業療程,結合來自義大利的生物動力農耕產品,從根本改善髮質與頭皮健康。

The brand philosophy of Lazy Tree Salon is deeply rooted in a pure, organic, and healthy lifestyle. To uphold this commitment, the salon has deliberately excluded common hair coloring and perming services typically found in general hair salons. This is not a compromise on trends, but a commitment to our clients' health and well-being. We believe that natural beauty is the most authentic and should be maintained without chemical intervention. Our expert therapists use bio-dynamic products from Italy to provide a range of scalp care treatments that address specific hair and scalp concerns.

儘管染燙服務被排除在外,懶人樹下 Lazy Tree Salon 依然為顧客提供精緻的剪裁服務,滿足對髮型變化的需求。設計師以細膩的手法,結合個人風格與自然美感,為每位顧客打造出最適合的髮型。在這裡,追求的不僅是外在的美,更是一種源自內心、綻放於外的自然健康之美。

Although coloring and perming services are excluded, Lazy Tree Salon still offers exquisite cutting services to meet the needs for hairstyle changes. The stylists use delicate techniques, combining personal style with natural aesthetics to create the most suitable hairstyle for each customer. Here, the pursuit is not just external beauty, but a natural, healthy beauty that radiates from within.

時光凝駐的下午茶時光 An Afternoon Tea Experience Where Time Stands Still

當您在懶人樹下 Lazy Tree Salon 的療程結束後,一場獨特的下午茶體驗正等著您。專屬的茶室,如同時光凝駐的空間,安靜且優雅。這裡不僅提供芳香四溢的茶飲,還備有精緻的甜點櫃,讓您自由選擇喜愛的點心,為這段療癒之旅畫上一個甜美的句點。

After a rejuvenating treatment at Lazy Tree Salon, a unique afternoon tea experience awaits. Our dedicated tea room is a tranquil and elegant space, as if time has stood still. Here, you'll find an array of aromatic teas and a delectable dessert counter, allowing you to choose your favorite treats and end your wellness journey on a sweet note, providing a sweet conclusion to this healing journey.


The tea room's design is consistent with the overall style of the finca. Looking out the window, the beautiful landscaping and occasional visits from small animals and butterflies showcase the perfect fusion of nature and culture. Here, time seems to slow down, with every sip of tea and bite of dessert embodying the blessings of the earth and the thoughtfulness of the proprietor.

懶人樹下 Lazy Tree Salon除了有日式和室供顧客品牌下午茶點以外,也可以選擇待在西式的公共空間,讓您可以愜意地在此度過美好的一天。

Indulge in an authentic Japanese-style tea ceremony in our tatami room or relax in our Western-style common area, allowing for a leisurely day at the salon.

自然與動物的和諧共處 Harmonious Coexistence with Nature and Animals

懶人樹下Lazy Tree Salon不僅是人們放鬆的場所,也成為許多野生動物的家園。這裡的環境友善且和諧,幾隻曾經的流浪貓,如今成了這片莊園的常駐居民。牠們慵懶地在紅磚小徑上散步,偶爾會停下來,望向遠處的樹影與花叢,仿佛在享受這片寧靜的天地,在這裡,您可以真正感受到自然與人之間的深厚聯繫。

Lazy Tree Salon is more than just a place to relax; it's a sanctuary for both people and wildlife. Our eco-friendly and harmonious environment has become home to several formerly stray cats, now permanent residents of our finca. You'll often find them leisurely strolling along our red brick paths, pausing to gaze into the distance at the trees and flowers, as if savoring the tranquility of this peaceful oasis. Here, you can truly experience the deep connection between nature and humanity.

生態農法體驗的未來式 Future Plans for Eco-Farming Experiences

在未來,「懶人樹下 Lazy Tree Salon」將不僅僅是一個療癒身心的場所,它還將成為一個讓人親近自然、感受田園生活的理想之地。主理人計畫在不久的將來將莊園部分區域開放為自然農耕的體驗處,讓更多人可以在此停留,更長時間地享受這片土地的美好,讓來訪者能親自參與,感受土地的生命力與豐收的喜悅。

In the future, Lazy Tree Salon will be more than just a haven for the soul. It will be a place where people can connect with nature and experience the serenity of country life. Our founder plans to open up a part of the finca as a natural farming experience, allowing more people to stay and enjoy the beauty of the land for a longer period of time. Visitors will be able to participate in the process and feel the vitality of the land and the joy of harvest.

這是一段關於時間、自然與人心的故事。在這片遠離喧囂的莊園中,主理人Aken希望每一位來訪者都能找到屬於自己的那一片靜謐,釋放壓力,重拾內心的平靜與安寧。「懶人樹下 Lazy Tree Salon」,不僅是一個身心靈的休憩之所,更是一個讓人重新找回自我、與自然和諧共處的心靈花園。

This is a story about time, nature, and the human heart. In this finca far from the noise, far from the hustle and bustle of city life, our founder, Aken, hopes that every visitor will find their own quiet corner, release their stress, and rediscover inner peace and tranquility. Lazy Tree Salon is not just a place for physical and mental relaxation, but also a spiritual garden where people can rediscover themselves and live in harmony with nature.




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